Friday, August 3, 2007

Alt Rap Friday

I read an article in Rolling Stone once about the lead singer of Weezer and the reclusive hiatus he took from music in the late '90s. He said that he was working on a mathematical equation to explain why Nirvana's songs were so good. I know a lot of people who regard Weezer pretty highly, but that sounds like crazy-talk to me. However, since reading that article, I've begun to think of some elements of songs that draw me in. I like drums; give me a great break beat, and I'm usually sold on the song (such are my blind spots).

But with rap, so much of the mainstream music is formulaic. Usually, all it takes to get me to listen is a break from the norm: clever lyrics, a perspective other than that of a thug (although that can be fun sometimes, too), or videos that remind me of The Benny Hill Show, and I'm there:

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