Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Radiohead: Welcome to the Machine

I've just started Tim Footman's book, Radiohead: Welcome to the Machine: OK Computer and the Death of the Classic Album, and, so far I'm loving being able to read it and sync up my iPod to listen to each song as he makes reference to it.

I'll review the book once I've finished it, but until then, here's the entire album as can only be found on YouTube:

1. Airbag:

2. Paranoid Android:

3. Subterranean Homesick Alien:

4. Exit Music (For a Film):

5. Let Down:

6. Karma Police:

7. Fitter Happier:

8. Electioneering:

9. Climbing Up The walls:

10. No Surprises:

11. Lucky:

12. The Tourist:

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